It's the final class of Snatch Life! Today you'll test the fruits of your labor with a 5-minute snatch set. You won't set the kettlebell down and you'll switch hands once at the half-way mark.
We often are asked "how many reps is good?"
Every time the bell is "locked out" overhead (still, and in alignment over your shoulder), a rep is counted.
First, before you worry about rep counts, lasting the whole 5 minutes is a huge challenge and accomplishment, so start with pacing yourself so you can complete the time.
Second, 20 reps per minute is the "Gold Standard" for 5 & 10-minute snatch sets. If you're using what is a heavy weight for you, you may only be doing 12-15 rpm. If you're using a light weight, 30 reps per minute is about as fast as you can go with legit reps (we're referring to "fixation," where the bell is still in overhead lockout for a split second before you snatch it again).
So, for today's 5-minute sets, we'd expect to see a range from 75-125 reps.
For honest results, we recommend that you've taken a rest day before going all out and testing yourself like this. And don't skip the cool down today!
Comment if you have any questions, and also comment and let us know what weight you used and how many reps you did!