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Pro Kettlebell follow-along workouts are strength & cardio in one, for minimum time and maximum rewards.
Pro Kettlebell is all about using the methods and kettlebell lifting techniques discovered and honed by world-class, professional kettlebell lifters around the world to build super-hero strength without breaking you down.
We've tracked hundreds of members through our "21-Day Challenge" (three weeks of 4-classes per week) and seen undeniable success, with members often doubling the results of their rep tests in three weeks.
The undeniable "secret" to all success is consistency, and you can't be consistent if you don't enjoy the workouts or you can't do them because you're injured. So, we're adamant about making the workouts fast and fun and not over-training or doing exercises that are more risk than reward.
Our system for designing classes and programs evolved over years and years of running the largest kettlebell gym in the world, which required offering classes where a person brand-new to working out could be in class with a super-fit, competitive lifter standing next to them and they both get a great workout... AND the new person isn't intimidated. It was a tough recipe to figure out, but we did!
Ever been annoyed by exercise videos where the instructor stops and talks about form while you're supposed to keep doing the moves? Not here!
Our videos feature a professional coach narrating the workout while you follow-along with the "pace-setter," who's doing the workout in real-time with you. All of the sets are timed, so you can modify the workout to your needs and the weights you have available by doing more or less reps during the allotted time.
If your goal is to build muscle, you need time under tension, so opt for heavier kettlebells and move slowly through the moves.
If your goal is weight loss or pure cardio conditioning, opt for a lighter weight and move as quickly as you can with perfect form.
Only one kettlebell is required to complete hundreds of our strength and cardio workouts, the majority of which are 30-40 minutes, but we also have shorter classes and some up to 55-minutes.
If you have matching pairs and a variety of weights, don't worry, you'll get to use them! Classes include modifiers for single or double bells, and recommendations for heavier or lighter weights when appropriate.
We suggest everyone begin with the "Kettlebell Kickstarter" 4-class intro series. You'll learn the techniques we're so passionate about while getting a great workout at the same time.
After that, you can pick and choose classes by time, theme, or body part if you like, but we always recommend follow our programs in order for best results. Programs range from 21-days to 3 months.
Try it out, ask questions via the forum if you have any, have fun and get swinging.
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Low Swing, High Swing, Snatch